Sole Practitioners and Small Firms are Invited to Lunch & Learn Featuring uLawPractice

Wolf Law Chambers is continuing to engage with the community of sole practitioners and small firms in the Greater Toronto Area by inviting them to a Lunch & Learn dedicated to any sole practitioner and small firm looking to chat with other lawyers and learn from none other than Praveen Srinivasan of uLawPractice.

The overall theme of the event will focus on financial technology and legal practice. Praveen Srinivasan is well-positioned to share his insights on the administrative needs in running a productive legal practice. Wolf Law Chambers is certain that guests will receive important information from his message.


The event will:

  • Take place on June 6, 2019;
  • Take place in 90 Matheson Boulevard West, Suite 101, Mississauga, ON;
  • Serve guests with free admission and lunch;
  • Serve guests with opportunities to assist us in advertising;
  • Entail a special speech by Praveen Srinivasan of uLawPractice.

To RSVP for the event or inquire upon advertisements, please contact Dezso Farkas: [email protected].

“It is important in today’s legal marketplace for sole practitioners to work together to face key challenges in their practice”, says Dezso Farkas, Barrister & Solicitor of Wolf Law Chambers.



Sole practitioners in today’s competitive marketplace face some unique challenges. How they face their challenges can make it or break it when it comes to running an effective and efficient practice. A significant portion of a sole practitioner’s time is spent on administration rather than practice.  So today, we will be counting down our top 5 technologies that every sole practitioner should consider purchasing for the administration of their practice.

For this list, we will be looking at both hardware and software products which can be conducive to higher productivity and improved customer service. These will be products which are not direct to the practice itself but may support the practitioner’s administrative processes. So products like CaseText, QuickLaw, or WestLaw will not make this list. We will also avoid mentioning products that seem too obvious to be on this list. So Office products such as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint will be exempt from this list.

As a disclaimer, our picks have not been decided as a result of any partnership or benefit conferred upon Farkas Law, Wolf Law Chambers, any of its members, or related parties. These are simply personal opinions or recommendations.


5) Microsoft Surface Pro


The Surface Pro has come a long way since its earlier models. However, one thing always held it back: short battery life. Microsoft has overcome this issue with the new Microsoft Surface Pro, which is popular for its detachable 2-in-1 features. For lawyers who are constantly on the go, it may be helpful to carry around the Surface Pro for meetings, hearings, or private brainstorming sessions. The cost with keyboard and pen is above $1,100, but it may be worth it for lawyers looking for a laptop, a tablet, smooth processing, and good battery life.

Honourable Mentions: Macbook, iPad with keyboard & Apple Pencil, Microsoft Surface Book 2.


4) Canva


Canva is a wonderful website filled with digital canvasses and templates for users looking to design their own business cards, logos, brochures, infographic, or much more. The potential benefits far outweigh the costs with this one. The only catch is that the quality of the final product depends on the quality of the practitioner’s vision for their business. But creating and striving towards that vision can have significant benefits in the long-run. With a clear vision for the business’ appearance and presentation, practitioners and their customers may have a clear understanding of the business.


3) Expensify


Expensify is one of the most popular receipt management applications. Some of its key features include unlimited receipt scanning, credit card import, corporate card reconciliation, receipt integration, advanced tax tracking, and GPS mileage tracking. A sole proprietor cannot go wrong in subscribing to and using this application for $5 or $9 a month. The main value of this app is that it saves time when saving receipts. This can be crucial for lawyers on the go.


Honourable mentions: Mint, YNAB


2) Contract Companion


The job of a lawyer requires lots of writing. However, when we write, we unfortunately find it difficult to notice our own mistakes even after proofreading ourselves. Furthermore, sole practitioners cannot always give their documents to a friend or coworker for proofreading. To solve this problem, users may use Litera Microsystem’s Contract Companion, an artificial intelligence which acts as a Microsoft Word toolbar that proofreads documents. The main value here is time and increased professionalism.


Honourable mentions: Drafting Assistant, Word Rake


1) WD My Cloud Expert Series EX2


There may come a time when a sole practitioner must store important or sensitive information digitally. The storage features of a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet may not suffice in the long-run. Furthermore, public clouds are not often recommended for this field. This is where the WD My Cloud EX 2 can help. This centralized private cloud device allows for high performance streaming and enough storage for any small business. The practitioner can access their client files from their office desktop, phone, or laptop in almost any location, making work hours and location time more flexible. This can improve the work-life balance of the sole practitioner.

Typically, 4 terabytes of space should suffice, but if more is required there are other versions with higher capacity available for purchase.




Concluding Remarks


We believe these products can significantly bolster the effectiveness and efficiency of how sole practitioners conduct their business. There are other important candidates who have not made this list, but these 5 should suffice as a helpful start for sole practitioners. Another to note is that business management software is almost necessary in the field of law today.


Honourable Mentions: uLawPractice, PracticePanther, & Clio.


First Law Practice Series 2019 = Success

Hi everyone!

I thoroughly enjoyed our first event of the Law Practice Series 2019, held at Wolf Law Chambers Mississauga.

I spoke about the challenges faced by sole practitioners, small firms and paralegals in the current market for legal services. I began delving into the strategies that we can employ to succeed in this market.

I received great feedback on the presentation and now realize more than ever how much sole practitioners, small firms and paralegals need this type of information and assistance.

I am also pleased to announce that we have two new lawyers coming on board at Wolf Law Chambers!

We look forward to helping each other to succeed in our respective areas.

-Dezso Farkas


After the 2001 financial collapse of publicly traded Enron Corporation-caused by alleged accounting fraud-the US. Congress included Section 307 in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (“Section 307”). Section 307 requires in-house corporate attorneys to report instances of corporate wrongdoing and fraud at their companies “up the ladder” to senior management and the board of directors (“Board”). In certain circumstances, Section 307 also permits in-house counsel to “report out” wrongdoing to the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC’). However, when complying with either the “reporting up” or “reporting out” provisions of Section 307, in-house corporate attorneys face possible pushback and retaliation from their senior executive team (including chief executive officers). This is especially true if senior executives are implicated in the wrongdoing. Additionally, given the influence of managerial power over a corporation’s legal department with respect to hiring, disciplinary action, and firing, in-house corporate attorneys will be hesitant to act as whistle-blowers and report up or report out instances of corporate wrongdoing.

The current debate on Section 307 centers on whether the provision permitting reporting out to the SEC conflicts with an attorney’s duty to keep her corporate employer’s information confidential. However, there is less discussion on Section 307’s reporting up provision, and how existing managerial power and governance structures discourage in-house corporate attorneys from reporting corporate wrongdoing up the ladder. There is also very little guidance on how corporate attorneys may immunize themselves from retaliation when they report wrongdoing to the very same senior managers that may be involved in the wrongdoing. This article’s contribution, therefore, is twofold. First, this article will examine how existing managerial and governance structures contribute to the risks that in-house corporate attorneys face when complying with Section 307’s reporting up provision. Second, this article proposes a normative, modified reporting structure that requires in-house attorneys to bypass the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and report directly to the Board. Our normative model would insulate in-house attorneys from retaliation and pushback from senior management. As such, corporate attorneys should be more willing to report corporate wrongdoing and fraud up the ladder to their company’s Board for corrective remedy. This increased reporting, in turn, should enhance corporate transparency and investor protection against fraud.

By: Kabir Ahmed & Dezso Farkas

Full article